City of North Vancouver Tree Cutting Bylaw and Permit Information.
Anytime you are planning to have a tree removed or pruned in North Vancouver, it is important to find out whether or not a tree removal permit is required. Here is a summary of the North Vancouver and West Vancouver tree permit guidelines. For more detailed information regarding municipal bylaws and regulations pertaining to tree removal and tree pruning, please visit the website for your municipality.
If the tree is protected, a permit for removal is required. Here are some examples of protected trees:
- On land owned by or in the possession of the district (land, park, boulevard, road land allowance)
- Within a stream-side protected area
- On a terrain with a slope greater than 30%
- A replacement tree
- A heritage tree
- A wildlife tree
- Located on waterfront or wetland
One of the following species: Arbutus, Garry Oak, Oregon Ash, Pacific Yew, Western White Pine and Yellow Cedar.
If the tree is on private land, and it does not meet any of these definitions for protected trees, you will still need a permit if the following applies:
If the tree is 75 cm (30”) in diameter or greater when measured 1.3 meters (4.3′) above ground level of the tree.
- If the tree is within 15 m of the top of bank of a stream
- If the tree is within 30 m of the top of a bank of a stream for properties greater than 0.5 hectares
- If the tree is within 10 meters of the top of bank of a ravine more than 60 meters wide
- If the tree is on a slope greater than 30% (16.5 degrees)
If any of the above applies to your tree, the first thing you will need to do is acquire an independent arborist (What’s an arborist?) report and submit it to the district along with their tree permit application form. The application form can be found on the District of North Vancouver Website. After this, the district will have their municipal arborists inspect the tree and inform you of their decision.
If the tree is on Municipal land, direct your inquiries to the District of North Vancouver at 604-990-2311.
For more comprehensive information review your municipality’s website, choose the appropriate link below.
District of North Vancouver:
West Vancouver:
City of Vancouver:
Looking for a quote on a tree removal or pruning? Contact ArborGreen Tree Care Specialists today and have a ISA certified arborists assessing your trees within 48 hours! Need help choosing a tree service or arborist? Read here to find out what to look for when hiring a tree service or arborist.
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